Saturday, June 27, 2009

Turns out luggage is actually necessary to travel

This post is a bit out of order, but I'm just getting around to it. It's a really long story and I don't think I can manage to do it justice with the written word, so let's just set the scene for last weekend by saying that I arrived in Hamburg last Saturday with only the clothes I was wearing and my wallet. (If you want the full story, I'll tell you in person sometime.) We arrived in Hamburg a little before noon and had some time before our walking tour of the city, so we decided to explore the nearby street festival and get some lunch. All of a sudden, the sky opened up with sheets of rain and a bit of hail. We ran inside the closest building for protection and food, which turned out to be a good choice. I had a hamburger for lunch. It seemed like the most appropriate thing to eat in Hamburg. Rain stopped for a bit and we met up with the tour group and it started raining again, so we went it the Hamburger Rathaus (Hamburg Town Hall). It's a really cool looking building. Much more interesting than the one in Berlin. The rain fizzled out and we continued our tour through the city, seeing several big churches, a really interesting neo-gothic bombed-out church, a bit of the harbor, and so forth. Pretty good tour overall. Afterwards, a group of us walked over to what we thought was a tea museum but was really just more of an expensive tea house, changed our minds and went and got a beer instead and a bit of dinner instead. I had some of the best Jaegerschnitzel I've ever had. After dinner I stopped buy the grocery store to pick up some toiletries and upon returning to the hostel, I took a shower and promptly passed out. Everyone needed a bit of a nap after the early morning. (We had to meet the bus at FUB at 6:45am after a Friday night. That's tough for us college students.) I woke up around eight as everyone was getting ready to go out, got up, and went as well, made it to the bar, remembered that I hadn't slept at all on Friday night, immediately got tired again, went back to the hostel and went to bed. It felt really good. Kind of disappointed I didn't get to see a bit more of the Hamburgian (?) night life. Oh well. Sunday morning we had a boat tour of the harbor which was really cool, because we got to go up really close to some of the container ships and see how big they actually are. We saw the yacht that Roman Abromavich (Russian oil tycoon/owner of Chelsea FC) is having built to the tune of $300 million dollars, complete with a helicopter landing pad and mini submarine. Just the important stuff. In the afternoon we visited BallinStadt Musuem, which is kind of like the Elis Island of Germany. It's where all the people who emmigrated out of Germany to the US and other parts of the world left through. It was pretty fascinating to see. Had a bit of time in the late afternoon to relax a bit before catching the bus back to Berlin. I got home around 11pm and went to bed. All in all, I had a good time in Hamburg. I wish I wasn't so tired and had some clean clothes to wear, but sometimes that's just how it goes. Anyways, I know this post is way out of order, but maybe later today (I don't think I can go out agian tonight. I need a regular night of sleep) I'll post again about what I've been up to this week. Gotta get you all caught up!

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