Thursday, July 2, 2009

As the week draws to a close...

Looking up at the Fernsehturm near Alexanderplatz
Brandenburger Tor

The roof of the Sony Center

Looking across the Holocaust memorial

Nothing really interesting happened today at school. We talked a bit about life in the former DDR, listened to some presentations, watched a clip from a famous movie both here and in the US called Das Leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others), and listened to some popular modern music by a guy named Peter Fox. The most interesting thing that happened today was that at lunch I tried Schnitzel im Brot (basically a doener but with schnitzel instead of doener meat, whatever that may be). Not bad, but I think I'll stick with the real deal. Tomorrow I have a presentation to give in my EU class, then it's off to Weimar for the weekend. I have to remember to pack tonight... Posted above are just a random selection of pictures from my time here. I wish I could take better pictures. Ones that actually gave a better sense of the object. Oh well. Bis Montag! (Until Monday!)

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