Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Final Countdown...

(Church in Hamburg) the song. Get it?

It's 6:30am and I'm wide awake. Not really sure why, but I am. Today is the last day I really have anything to do. I have my Abschlusspreufueng (final test) and a short creative group project to present in German and that pretty wraps up the program. Friday I have class in the morning but nothing to do to prepare for it and a closing ceremony type thing for FUBiS in the afternoon. Trying to figure out what we students are going to do together with our last two nights. It's kinda sad. As of yesterday Kevin and I finally have accomdations in all of our destinations. I'm still waiting for my Eurail pass to arrive. It's making me nervous. I guess I'll go for a run since I'm up. I am sooooo out of shape right now. I'm looking forward to getting home and getting back at it. I've enjoyed being here but it's the little things about home that I miss. Zum Beispiel (for example), I miss pre-packaged food such as cheese sticks and the like, side dishes other than potatoes, driving my car, going to the grocery store at midnight or later, spicy food, being able to smile at people without them thinking you're crazy, etc. Anyways, I'll be home soon enough. Take care.

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