Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Last Weekend

My last weekend in Berlin has passed by and I feel it was a good one. I hung out with friends all weekend and made some good memories. Friday night we attempted to go to a club called Watergate but were derailed by delicious doeners and the large group of other students there. Instead we ended up going to the bar in the basement of the dorms. Saturday we went souviner shopping and picked up some good items before dining at a good Chinese restaurant. That night we once again attempted to make it to Watergate, but left too late to make the journey worth it and went to a closer bar instead. Sunday we went to the beach at Wannsee had enjoyed the nice weather and the waterslide. Tonight, Juergen made the most delicious dinner yet. All in all, a very good weekend. It's crazy to think that in only a couple of days I will probably never see these people again, both the Schenkels or the other students. I'll have lived with the Schenkels for a month and a half and then one day I won't see them anymore. For the students, I can still keep in-touch with them through Facebook and various miracles of modern technology, but as time goes on and we no longer share common experiences those relationships will likely fad, which is sad because I've met some people here that I really enjoy. (I've also met some people here that I won't mind never seeing again, but let's focus on the good ones, the majority.) It's strange to think about. Almost like graduating high school all over again. Everyone is going different directions. This last week will be busy with school and final excursions into the city, so our departure will probably sneak up on us. Then, on to the next and final stage of Eur0-Summer 2009, my trip with Kevin. I think, hope, that everything is pretty well set up, but we'll see. It will be a fun week, but I'm sure I will be ready to come home when it's all over. Slightly over months after it all started...

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