Thursday, May 28, 2009

Greetings from Athens

Athens, 2:15 pm - I have now been traveling for nearly 24 hours with very little sleep, but we have arrived in Athens. We just checked into our hotel and are attempting to freshen up a bit before going out to explore the Plaka. We are staying near the city center at the St. George Palace. Alison is working today and we hope to meet up with her later this afternoon. My first impressions of Athens include 1) Traffic laws are optional, especially when riding a scooter/motorcycle, 2) It's very hot and the landscape is very dry, and 3) Athens is a big city (our cab driver told us Athens accounted for about five million of Greece's 11 million citizens).

I'll try my best to update my blog once a day, probably in the evening so I have something interesting to report.

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