Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Traveling Blakeburys

I'm sitting on the porch at Gigi and Papa's house in Lincoln, NE writing my first post for my new blog. After seeing how often Gigi checked Alison's modeling blog, I thought why not make my own? After all, I will be in five European countries during the summer and something interesting might just happen along the way. Who knows?

If you're wondering what exactly a Traveling Blakebury is, I'm sure you're not alone. I wanted a title that was generic enough to allow for the blog to live on past this summer's travels (should I feel compelled to do so) and also a bit more creative than "Blake's Blog." Too boring. I have been listening to quite a bit of the Traveling Wilbury's recently, so 1 + 1 made 3 and the ugly duckling that is "The Traveling Blakeburys" was born.

If you're not familiar with the Traveling Wilburys and like rock, and maybe even if you don't, I highly recommend acquainting yourself with them. The Wilburys were an all-star line up of rock legends from the late '80s/early '90s. The members of this accidental band were George Harrison (former guitarist/vocalist from the Beatles), Jeff Lynne (producer & former member of the Electric Light Ochestra), Bob Dylan (enough said), Tom Petty (of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers), and Roy Orbison (rock-and-roll pioneer). It's hard to go wrong with so many greats in the same room. Here's a link to the first song written by the Wilburys, entitled "Handle with Care": . Enjoy.

When I get back to Denver on Sunday I'll post my itinerary. I need to think of a trade mark sign-off...Bye.

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