Friday, May 29, 2009

Touring Athens

Athens, 5:00pm -

We had dinner at the hotel last night. Afterwards, Alison took me a rock outcrop with a great view of the Parthenon to meet some of her friends. They were all very nice. This morning we had a guided tour of Athens. She was a really good guide, very knowledgeable. We spent the majority of our time touring the Acropolis and Parthenon, but we also saw some other areas of Athens, giving us a very general feel for the layout of the city. (Our guide said the reason the city is so spread out is because they are prohibited from building too high because of all the seismic activity in the area.) We had lunch at a little place in Plaka and then visited the archeological museum in the afternoon, which had many old Greek statues, pots, jewelry, etc. Still adjusting to the time change a bit, so we came back to the hotel to rest a bit before going out to dinner tonight. I think one and a half days in Athens is just about the right amount of time. Tomorrow at noon my parents and I are catching a flight to our first island of the trip, Mykonos. Alison is going to meet us there a few days later, she has one more job in Athens.

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